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Awards "A Matter of Taste"

I had to give at least 1 star for me to do this but truthfully I wouldn’t have given you any. I would never ever use your services or advice anyone else to do so either. Your a callous company and only care about the money not the couple. In my home town a young lady lost her life prior to her wedding. A young man is grieving and your still coming after him for the money because THEY signed a contract. News flash it’s not THEY anymore. When I heard what your company did I was extremely disgusted but good to be aware of companies like yours ahead of time.
The owner mocks a guys dead fiance on the internet and then cried defamation. Not to mention the many reddit posts I have seen of them not paying their workers. SKETCHY business practices and the owner is a douchebag. 0/10 would not recommend.
Horrendous businessman who said he hoped everyone was miserable on the planned wedding day of a bride who died. Refused to refund money. Long running scam artist. https://www.telegram.com/article/20130316/news/103169921
Hopefully this dudes business will go under after his childish display. Dont book with them not only does he mock people whose partner dies, but he also DOES NOT PAY HIS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS.
I wish there was an option for negative stars.
The owner of this company is a known scam artist with no human decency or compassion who just switches his business name when he eventually messed up bad enough for someone to sue him and win.
Disgusting business. No compassion for a bride to be who lost her life. You deserve no business whatsoever.
This owner should be banned from operating a business ever again. Period. They obviously seem eager to publicly humiliate and defame anyone they work with for any reason they deem valid, true or not. No community in the world should be forced to deal with this morally bankrupt owner.
SCUM. Worst person on earth
The owner mocked a client who asked for a refund because his fiancee died, wished him to cry on the day of the wedding. That's so psychopathic behavior. Can't imagine the pain and grief the poor guy goes trough losing his loving one, he has to call all engagement off and get refunds, only to get spit on.
Shamefully awful company. Unprofessional, rude and scruffy. Some of these points could be overlooked if the end result was great, but really my nephew could have take better photos. At least his are in focus.
Clark also operated the business under the names SureShot Videography, In Focus Studios, Magnolia Films, Wedding Filmology, and Wedding Avenue, and used the aliases John Francis, Jaie Hart, and Michael Collins.
I left one star because I had to. Yall really thought blasting the name of a poor man and his deceased fiance was the way to handle your business? You are the absolute lowest of low and trust and believe the internet never forgets and good luck ever being able to work again. Trash.
this company is awful extremely unprofessional do not use them for your weddings. It’s a bunch of man babies that don’t know how to be real human beings.
Stay away from them
Heinous company that cares more for money than human life. Give literally anyone else your business rather than these scum human beings.
If I could put zero stars I would have. The owners deserve absolutely nothing, from anyone. Hope their shit shuts down. Trying my hardest to make their scam story go viral on my end.
Would be smart for this website to remove this sad excuse for a company, looks bad on them to give advertising to a company that is so deplorable.
Very rude. Difficult to work with. Non responsive to emails. Seems a bit deranged.
It's sick that you guys used someone that committed suicide two years ago as a scape goat, cowards. You can turn off reviewing on all the other sites all you want, but you can't run away from this hole you dug yourself in. Sorry not sorry!
There is a special spot in hell for this sick bastard.
Worthless pieces of shit.
Scum, No words can describe my feelings for this Horrible Company.
Shame on you for harassing dead people!
Literally any employee of this company should jump ship and let them sink. And when they go under you can start your own company to fill the void and add an amendment to your contracts that death of one of the betrothed will warrant a full refund. Or you could simply not be an absolute dick and refund it anyways. Pathetic excuse for a company.
Horrible people with no sense of common decency, would not recommend them even to my worst enemy.
Soulless and evil. This is not a business owner that should be involved in anything involving love and commitment.
Stay away from these awful people.
Unprofessional, snarky, and should be out of business due to their bad business practices.
really really really hope this John Jesse Clark guy loses every thing he has. You are a piece of shit, and you don't deserve anything you have. You don't deserve your degrees, you don't deserve the ability to work for them. The world needs less of you in it.
What little of the ceremony was filmed was horrible. Blurry, shaky, etc. My 8 year old niece with a iPhone could have done better.
Terrible human. It’s a shame I must give one star.
Would never use this company, terrible ownership. Glad to see it on its way out
This owner is going to hell in a hand basket. What a total POS loser you are, karma will come and get you, just get ready for karma's revenge. It's the circle of life. Poor gal dies and you don't refund them? The man upstairs is watching your greedy self. Have fun being a loser all your life and now you have to change your branding and name. You've just doomed your entire career, carpetbagger.
These people mocked and taunted a man whose fiancé died before the wedding. The company posted “they hoped he’s sobbing on what would be his wedding day.” Want cruel and heartless, disgusting people. I hope you choose other quality photographers in the area.
Would never use this company, terrible ownership. Glad to see it on its way out
This company owned my a monster. No human decently.
You people are monsters.
This company will be closed and the owner Jesse J Clark will open another video business so that he scam and humiliate other people. Beware
Horrible human beings. Sorry, not sorry.
Kiss your business goodbye, probably the owner making this decision. At this point you will not be able to save things, hopefully you don't have many employees who are being screwed out of a job due to this boneheaded decision!
Kiss your business goodbye, probably the owner making this decision. At this point you will not be able to save things, hopefully you don't have many employees who are being screwed out of a job due to this boneheaded decision!
I vow to never work with company with no professionalism and such lack of compassion.
Despicable POS
Terrible human being.
Awful. Do not use.
Lol - who’s crying now?
Beyond unprofessional. This company should be never work with the public ever
This guys is the biggest scumbag that ever lived. Not only did he mock a grieving widower who lost his fiance but this absolute waste of life then tried to blame a 2018 death of his employee on the backlash he is receiving here in 2020 over his disgusting actions. This business is going under now and he even had to disconnect his phone number because he's such a scumbag he can't even the consequences of his own actions. I hope the owner of this business dies a horrible death. He's the worst person on the planet.
1. Hoping they do the right thing and give back the money to the gentleman who lose his love one. 2. Look up word integrity in the dictionary and implement it in your life.Mr Business owner. 3. If you have already spent the money, remember you can make more money if you fix this situation. Borrow or do what ever you need to do to learn from the situation. 4. Everyone makes mistakes, learn from your mistake. You can fix this, dear Mr Business man.
After checking out this company and reading past reviews, we would advise avoiding them at all cost. Unproffesiinal, unreliable, insensitive and bordering on criminal!
Shame. On. You. If you had shown any kind of compassion for Justin Montney and his fiancé, you would not be in this PR mess. You guys suck!
You’re not even worth a one star review. I hope you business goes to shit because of what you have done. Oh but I am so sure it will! Give you a taste of your own medicine. Cruel and evil human you are!
Terrible company. Can't shoot a wedding a all. Forget these guys and move on. Bad angles, bad lighting, bad pictures. Horrible people.
Terrible company. Can't shoot a wedding a all. Forget these guys and move on. Bad angles, bad lighting, bad pictures. Horrible people.
Well.....the customer IS always right ! I am sure you will find gainful employment in either the cleaning or fast food industry. Good luck!
Disgusting. What is wrong with you? This is truly vile. Honestly anyone who works for this company but is not affiliated should get the hell outta there. Fucking gross dude
Disgusting. What is wrong with you? This is truly vile. Honestly anyone who works for this company but is not affiliated should get the hell outta there. Fucking gross dude
This person is an awful human being...Karma is a bitch...
This person is an awful human being...Karma is a bitch...
Disgraceful, pathetic excuse of a human being.
Money hungry, callous bas***** Give up the fight. You will lose all due to your lack of compassion. I would be surprised if your business survives and anyone who hires you from this point on is crazy.
Money hungry, callous bas***** Give up the fight. You will lose all due to your lack of compassion. I would be surprised if your business survives and anyone who hires you from this point on is crazy.
Money hungry, callous bas***** Give up the fight. You will lose all due to your lack of compassion. I would be surprised if your business survives and anyone who hires you from this point on is crazy.
Money hungry, callous bas***** Give up the fight. You will lose all due to your lack of compassion. I would be surprised if your business survives and anyone who hires you from this point on is crazy.
Disgraceful, pathetic excuse of a human being.
Total Scumbag company - Greedy, Lacking Compassion, Lacking Common Sense, Cruel, Vile, Disgusting.
Total Scumbag company - Greedy, Lacking Compassion, Lacking Common Sense, Cruel, Vile, Disgusting.
1 star is too high for this dirtbag
You guys are a horrible company run by horrible people.
If this company had shown compassion and refunded Montney even some of his money, they could have saved their business. Instead, they will never never gain back any sort of positive reputation! They have sealed their fate by being unreasonable, inhumane, and foolish. Seriously -- the time they spent making a website again Montney, the time and energy they've put into this could have all been used for good. Instead they have failed miserably. Not to mention the repercussions of their actions- Karma.
This has to be one of the worse cases of disrespect and poor conduct on the behalf of a business. Putting up a page to mock the guy that wanted a refund when his girlfriend died is outrageous. Saying no refund even from the grave is heartless and childish. Here is one for you YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW. Hope you and this poor excuse for a business never lives this down. It would have been cheaper to give the refund, now you have cost yourself so many clients. This young woman passing is a heartbreaking thing for this family and after all the deaths from the virus many people are hurting. So your behavior is just stupid because you should see that those of us that are still here are blessed and want to help those hurting and in need. Outrageous and selfish business.
This has to be one of the worse cases of disrespect and poor conduct on the behalf of a business. Putting up a page to mock the guy that wanted a refund when his girlfriend died is outrageous. Saying no refund even from the grave is heartless and childish. Here is one for you YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW. Hope you and this poor excuse for a business never lives this down. It would have been cheaper to give the refund, now you have cost yourself so many clients. This young woman passing is a heartbreaking thing for this family and after all the deaths from the virus many people are hurting. So your behavior is just stupid because you should see that those of us that are still here are blessed and want to help those hurting and in need. Outrageous and selfish business.
Dear Jesse, I do hope you have been reported by your many victims, to the CFPB, OIG, DOJ, and FBI - since you're in multiple states, this scam is federal jurisdiction. May karma find you a well deserved cot in Florence, CO...Supermax.
World News! This has reached Norway. #douch move, no måttet what the counterpart does.
The news about copper stallion media reached scandinavia! Other countries? Lifes a bitch for you copper stallion media!
This company is the worst I have ever hired. My wife died 3 months before the celebration and not only did they not return my money, but they insulted and despised me on a website. I advise you that if you want a good wedding do not choose this company. They are thieves and despicable people.
No no no. Very bad and rude.
Copper Stallion Media gave me crabs.
This.company is disgusting. First you mock a man who lost his fiance then you try to make it seem like a young lady who worked for you committed suicide TWO YEARS before this above incident happened. Wow. 1. I hope you lose all your business and go broke. 2. I hope you lose someome very close to you and you get no compassion as you have shown no compasion.
Very disappointed, will not use.
Deserving of 0 stars. We have recently found out the owner, Jesse Clark, is a convicted fraudster who stiffs his employees.
Total Sham. This guy should be arrested!
They are trash. Ugly business. And calling "fatso" a girl who critics them.
The world is a little worse off for greedy businessmen like yourself, throwing your contract in the face of a dead woman's fiance and then having the nerve to publicly shame him. YOU should be ashamed. Turn away from doing evil while you still can.
The world is a little worse off for greedy businessmen like yourself, throwing your contract in the face of a dead woman's fiance and then having the nerve to publicly shame him. YOU should be ashamed. Turn away from doing evil while you still can.
The worst company ever
The worst company ever
Owner sucks giant balls, I hope this company is dead and gone forever
Very shady company. Refuses to pay contractors, and refused to refund a man who lost his fiance in a tragic accident. Absolutely shady. If you want my opinion, never trust this company.
Best Company out there. Has the best moto and sticks to it. If you put down a deposit then it is there forever. Maybe the dude shouldn't of had his wife die and there wouldn't of been this problem
Unprofessional and heartless with a really bad problem in ethics.
Unprofessional and heartless with a really bad problem in ethics.
Disgusting people
Absolutely disgusting, mocking dead people.
Absolutely disgusting, mocking dead people.
DISGUSTING is the only thing I can say
Fuxking disgusting. Hope you burn in hell
They are terrible the smelt terrible terrible attitudes a 9 yr old could do better I’d rather my 9 yr old cousin take my wedding photos you horrible people
Worst moral standards ever, i hope this company goes bankrupt and pays for the malicious deeds they have fone
Worst moral standards ever, i hope this company goes bankrupt and pays for the malicious deeds they have fone
So are you crying and sobbing yet?
Sucks to lose all of your clients trust in one comment you made because of money lol. Mocking a grieving guy who just lost his other half. Shame, will never recommend this service. And can you imagine going viral around the world? All of south america knows who you are and not for something good.
The worst company anyone could ever hire. They don’t have any heart and will 100% ruin your wedding day. Save yourself this misery! They making fun of the grieving groom for the loss of his bride to be. I am disgusted.
The worst company anyone could ever hire. They don’t have any heart and will 100% ruin your wedding day. Save yourself this misery! They making fun of the grieving groom for the loss of his bride to be. I am disgusted.
The worst company anyone could ever hire. They don’t have any heart and will 100% ruin your wedding day. Save yourself this misery! They making fun of the grieving groom for the loss of his bride to be. I am disgusted.
The worst company anyone could ever hire. They don’t have any heart and will 100% ruin your wedding day. Save yourself this misery! They making fun of the grieving groom for the loss of his bride to be. I am disgusted.
The worst company anyone could ever hire. They don’t have any heart and will 100% ruin your wedding day. Save yourself this misery! They making fun of the grieving groom for the loss of his bride to be. I am disgusted.
The worst company anyone could ever hire. They don’t have any heart and will 100% ruin your wedding day. Save yourself this misery! They making fun of the grieving groom for the loss of his bride to be. I am disgusted.
Go fuck yourself
Go fuck yourself
Don’t get scammed! Too bad there’s no “zero” stars for this trash company!
Don’t get scammed! Too bad there’s no “zero” stars for this trash company!
clown company. still can’t believe how stupid they would be to mock their own customers.
clown company. still can’t believe how stupid they would be to mock their own customers.
Worst business model ever. This is not how you treat customers. Obviously in it for the money and doesn’t care about giving people their “big day”. Disgusting.
this company has made it very clear that they don’t have basic morals. not only refuse to give a partial refund to the a widowed fiancé, but also bash him on THE DAY HIS WEDDING WAS MEANT TO BE. do not support a company that lacks basic empathy!
Take this time to reflect on yourself as a human being. The fact that you thought people would side with you; mocking someone whose spouse died. You are the problem with the world today. I hope you find error in your way and become a better person because of this.
Take this time to reflect on yourself as a human being. The fact that you thought people would side with you; mocking someone whose spouse died. You are the problem with the world today. I hope you find error in your way and become a better person because of this.
Fuck them..
Fuck them..
Fuck you assholes
Absolute trash to deny a refund to a man who signed the contract as a PAIR with his fiancé, who died shortly before the wedding. Guess what, they ain't a pair no more. Y'all are shitty people.
Absolute trash to deny a refund to a man who signed the contract as a PAIR with his fiancé, who died shortly before the wedding. Guess what, they ain't a pair no more. Y'all are shitty people.
Really bad
Disgusting piece of trash if a human
I am ✨disgusted✨
I am ✨disgusted✨
Worst people on earth. I hope this man prays daily to the Lord for forgiveness. He is pure evil
This guy's penis is so small, he compensates by making fun of and grieving people and/or fingering his own butthole.True story.
This guy's penis is so small, he compensates by making fun of and grieving people and/or fingering his own butthole.True story.
What heartless cunts. If you book them better hope your fiancé doesn't die or they'll publicly mock and harass you on the internet.
What heartless cunts. If you book them better hope your fiancé doesn't die or they'll publicly mock and harass you on the internet.
Terrible person, runs a scam of a business
Not only did you disrespect a women who passed away and her partner, you also didn’t give the partner the money back. yes they signed a contract but that doesn’t matter anymore so GIVE THE MONEY BACK and don’t play the victim.
Not only did you disrespect a women who passed away and her partner, you also didn’t give the partner the money back. yes they signed a contract but that doesn’t matter anymore so GIVE THE MONEY BACK and don’t play the victim.
Not only did you disrespect a women who passed away and her partner, you also didn’t give the partner the money back. yes they signed a contract but that doesn’t matter anymore so GIVE THE MONEY BACK and don’t play the victim.
Not only did you disrespect a women who passed away and her partner, you also didn’t give the partner the money back. yes they signed a contract but that doesn’t matter anymore so GIVE THE MONEY BACK and don’t play the victim.
absolute trash, rude people, and pictures sucked. 0/10
Just doing my duty. Fuck this guy. I dont need to use their services to know theyre a terrible company
Awful company. Awful people.
Run by spiteful immature worthless people. Wow! The lengths you went were uncalled for! Pathetic, garbage, scum company!
Probably the worst experience ever. I’m glad that this business is getting such horrible reviews and if we’re being honest I genuinely hope they go bankrupt and the owner comes to their senses. Such disregard for human life, as if their sole purpose is to get your money and run. The lack of empathy as a simple human being is lacking and I am so sorry to have ever known the name Copper Stallion Media. Horrid.
I saw the news and was absolutely disgusted. How could a company be so disrespectful and not refund a costumer who just lost their wife. AND THEN continue to harass him just for the fun? There is no compassion left in this world. I wish I could give negative stars.
I saw the news and was absolutely disgusted. How could a company be so disrespectful and not refund a costumer who just lost their wife. AND THEN continue to harass him just for the fun? There is no compassion left in this world. I wish I could give negative stars.
Apart from being a complete shit company the work that's done is less than mediocre. Would be better off to ask grandma with an iPhone to do your wedding.
Apart from being a complete shit company the work that's done is less than mediocre. Would be better off to ask grandma with an iPhone to do your wedding.
You fucking dirty pos. How could u do this to an innocent couple like you haven't lost someone. Well honey karmas a bitch and i am karma. So I'mma give you some beautiful words. First of all y'all quality is fucking TRASH! YA MAMA DIDN'T YOU AND REGRETS GIVING BIRTH TO YOU. WHEN YOU DIE U BETTER LET ME COME TO THE FUNERAL SO I CAN SHIT IN YA CASKET THEN LET MY DOG SHIT IN THERE TOO. I HOPE U GET RAN OVER BY A BUS AND NOBODY PAYS FOR YOUR FUCKIN FUNERAL BIATCH!!
“None refundable from the grave”
Just thought I would remind you that you’re a piece of shit company
Company loves to have a s#&% reputation. They can't even capture their company failing, who would want to work for them? The only traffic they can bring to their website is posting about someone else's death versus their actual business....
Just so you know, the word of your company came across all Europe, including my hometown Zagreb,Croatia. I cannot express well enough to say you are disgusting. I hope you have to shut down due to what you've done. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME.
I can understand if the wedding was canceled because they decided not to get married. But Theo bride died. Contract or not. To make the groom suffer even more is a low blow. You don’t deserve to be in business. Your evil.
The owner is scum. Hope he gets covid and drops dead like the scum he is.
Horrible, unprofessional, evil people.
Oof bro this place sucks
You are a disgusting pig for what you have done. Dont blame Justin and his dead wife for u going under. Blame it on your heartless cruel self you prick
El propietario es de lo peor una persona frivola
most disgusting people ever.
Avoid them like the plague, they'll take your money and run. Fiancé pass away? Tough, no refunds, no exceptions - but they will mock the death of your loved one and claim defamation for free. All while not paying employees to boot! Don't believe me? Justin Montney, Google him. The proof is in tons of articles stating facts.
0/10 if i could give a star, die asshole
Trash company
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