More about Cinema Greens
We create lush backdrops for Hollywood movies, let us make your fantasy wedding come true!
We specialize in creating the exterior environments for Film, TV, Weddings and Events shows thru the use of live and silk plants, moss, vine, custom fabrication options and anything else you can dream up! Call us today to inquire about pottery, altars, decorative bars, floral walls, moss walls, boxwood walls and bars, and topiaries. ITP @ The Metropolitan, CG Decorators Mart, 675 Metropolitan Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30310
We specialize in creating the exterior environments for Film, TV, Weddings and Events shows thru the use of live and silk plants, moss, vine, custom fabrication options and anything else you can dream up! Call us today to inquire about pottery, altars, decorative bars, floral walls, moss walls, boxwood walls and bars, and topiaries. ITP @ The Metropolitan, CG Decorators Mart, 675 Metropolitan Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30310
We create lush backdrops for Hollywood movies, let us make your fantasy wedding come true!
We specialize in creating the exterior environments for Film, TV, Weddings and Events shows thru the use of live and silk plants, moss, vine, custom fabrication options and anything else you can dream up! Call us today to inquire about pottery, altars, decorative bars, floral walls, moss walls, boxwood walls and bars, and topiaries. ITP @ The Metropolitan, CG Decorators Mart, 675 Metropolitan Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30310
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