Wedding Photographers in Kuala Lumpur
Im Wedding passionate photographer. Through my lens, I love capturing beautiful moments in...
, Kuala Lumpur
Wedding Photographers
In agreement
, Kuala Lumpur
Im Wedding passionate photographer. Through my lens, I love capturing beautiful moments in life and transforming them into lasting memories. Whether it is landscapes, people or Wedding documentary photography, I am committed to presenting each story with a unique perspective.
My photography style...
In agreement
We explore what’s creatively possible with a camera and create visually interesting images...
, Kuala Lumpur
Wedding Photographers
In agreement
, Kuala Lumpur
We explore what’s creatively possible with a camera and create visually interesting images that would hopefully be worth the eye bags. We also love cats as much as we love photography.
In agreement
Professional Photographer, Creative Director and Visual Storyteller.
, Kuala Lumpur
Wedding Photographers
In agreement
, Kuala Lumpur
Professional Photographer, Creative Director and Visual Storyteller.
In agreement
hi,my name is Karl Feizal, I’ve got more than a couple & as important as equipment is to t...
, Kuala Lumpur
Wedding Photographers
In agreement
, Kuala Lumpur
hi,my name is Karl Feizal, I’ve got more than a couple & as important as equipment is to the process it’s largely irrelevant to the final image.
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Malaysia, KL Wedding & Portrait Photographer.
, Kuala Lumpur
Wedding Photographers
In agreement
, Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia, KL Wedding & Portrait Photographer.
In agreement
please save earth ...... before it's too late
, Kuala Lumpur
Wedding Photographers
In agreement
, Kuala Lumpur
please save earth ...... before it's too late
In agreement
please choose
+380 (xx) xxx xxxx
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