Wedding Photographers in Cruz Bay
Eliza specializes in photographing destination weddings in a candid photojournalistic styl...
United States of America
, Virgin Islands , Cruz Bay
Wedding Photographers
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United States of America
, Virgin Islands , Cruz Bay
Eliza specializes in photographing destination weddings in a candid photojournalistic style. While creating images that last a life time, Eliza enjoys capturing the magic of your special, island wedding moment with images that you, family, and friends will enjoy for years! Call or e-mail now for mor...
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I am a professional photog...
United States of America
, Virgin Islands , Cruz Bay
Wedding Photographers
In agreement
United States of America
, Virgin Islands , Cruz Bay
I am a professional photographer based on a beautiful island of St. John, US Virgin Islands. I was born in Russia, grew up in Ukraine and lived in New Hampshire before I moved to St. John, USVI in October of 2010. I graduated with Degre...
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