More about Adjoin Photo
Adjoining people with their memories!
Adjoining you with your memories...
Jessie and Brian met at BGSU in 2002 in a photography class, Jessie was a VCT major coring in Photography and Brian was an Architect student. Already their lives centered around photography. Jessie went on to do some interning at AM photography and Brian was her second shooter. After college Jessie went on to do Senior photography at Woodard Photographic until 2007 when they had their first son Gavin. That`s when they took the big plunge to use everything they had to open their dream Adjoin Photo. The name came from the thought Adjoining two things together like people with their memories. Jessie and Brian are also members of Professional Photographers of Ohio and the BG Photo Group where they never stop continuing their education. Time went on and Adjoin Photo started doing a wonderful wedding business but Jessie and Brian wanted to have a Studio to call home so that is what they did (literally lol) In 2012 they found a house in Elmore`s Historic Downtown location with an apartment upstairs they knew could be a beautiful studio space some day and a year later had Braxton. In July 2015 they moved the studio from one room to the new expanded space. They did a studio in their home to save on overhead because Jessie came from a single mom family and also at her time working with Woodard saw the look on faces when they could not afford all of their photos. (or none at all) so with that in mind working with little overhead helps them do what they set out to do: Adjoin people with their precious memories professionally and afford-ably.
Thank you for learning a little bit about us and why we do what we do. We LOVE our customers and have met so many wonderful people on our journey!
Adjoining you with your memories...
Jessie and Brian met at BGSU in 2002 in a photography class, Jessie was a VCT major coring in Photography and Brian was an Architect student. Already their lives centered around photography. Jessie went on to do some interning at AM photography and Brian was her second shooter. After college Jessie went on to do Senior photography at Woodard Photographic until 2007 when they had their first son Gavin. That`s when they took the big plunge to use everything they had to open their dream Adjoin Photo. The name came from the thought Adjoining two things together like people with their memories. Jessie and Brian are also members of Professional Photographers of Ohio and the BG Photo Group where they never stop continuing their education. Time went on and Adjoin Photo started doing a wonderful wedding business but Jessie and Brian wanted to have a Studio to call home so that is what they did (literally lol) In 2012 they found a house in Elmore`s Historic Downtown location with an apartment upstairs they knew could be a beautiful studio space some day and a year later had Braxton. In July 2015 they moved the studio from one room to the new expanded space. They did a studio in their home to save on overhead because Jessie came from a single mom family and also at her time working with Woodard saw the look on faces when they could not afford all of their photos. (or none at all) so with that in mind working with little overhead helps them do what they set out to do: Adjoin people with their precious memories professionally and afford-ably.
Thank you for learning a little bit about us and why we do what we do. We LOVE our customers and have met so many wonderful people on our journey!
Adjoining people with their memories!
Adjoining you with your memories...
Jessie and Brian met at BGSU in 2002 in a photography class, Jessie was a VCT major coring in Photography and Brian was an Architect student. Already their lives centered around photography. Jessie went on to do some interning at AM photography and Brian was her second shooter. After college Jessie went on to do Senior photography at Woodard Photographic until 2007 when they had their first son Gavin. That`s when they took the big plunge to use everything they had to open their dream Adjoin Photo. The name came from the thought Adjoining two things together like people with their memories. Jessie and Brian are also members of Professional Photographers of Ohio and the BG Photo Group where they never stop continuing their education. Time went on and Adjoin Photo started doing a wonderful wedding business but Jessie and Brian wanted to have a Studio to call home so that is what they did (literally lol) In 2012 they found a house in Elmore`s Historic Downtown location with an apartment upstairs they knew could be a beautiful studio space some day and a year later had Braxton. In July 2015 they moved the studio from one room to the new expanded space. They did a studio in their home to save on overhead because Jessie came from a single mom family and also at her time working with Woodard saw the look on faces when they could not afford all of their photos. (or none at all) so with that in mind working with little overhead helps them do what they set out to do: Adjoin people with their precious memories professionally and afford-ably.
Thank you for learning a little bit about us and why we do what we do. We LOVE our customers and have met so many wonderful people on our journey!
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