More about Harold Camilo Photography
Harold Camilo is a Freelance Wedding Photographer based in Puerto Rico available to travel worldwide. His love for the outdoors and sharing the beautiful landscape of Puerto Rico has helped him gain a loyal following of more than 15k travel lovers on Instagram. His combination of DISTINCTIVE locations and unique portraits are what keep em' coming. You can find him hiking on the weekends trying to nail his next landscape photo, screaming at a tv when watching a soccer game or at a café meeting a new couple, ready to share their story.
Harold Camilo is a Freelance Wedding Photographer based in Puerto Rico available to travel worldwide. His love for the outdoors and sharing the beautiful landscape of Puerto Rico has helped him gain a loyal following of more than 15k travel lovers on Instagram. His combination of DISTINCTIVE locations and unique portraits are what keep em' coming. You can find him hiking on the weekends trying to nail his next landscape photo, screaming at a tv when watching a soccer game or at a café meeting a new couple, ready to share their story.
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