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Lindsey Van Roy Photography

  USA, Kimberly, 54136

More about Lindsey Van Roy Photography

Capturing moments today that will absolutely wow your heart tomorrow
If you love your relationship more than your wedding, don't mind a good ugly cry, love to laugh until your face hurts, think experiences are waaaaay more important than things, treasure family above all else here on this earth - you are my bride! :)

Be yourself, be madly in love, be ready to have fun and I promise to keep it light, gently direct you and capture moments today that will absolutely wow your heart tomorrow!
Capturing moments today that will absolutely wow your heart tomorrow If you love your relationship more than your wedding, don't mind a good ugly cry, love to laugh until your face hurts, think experiences are waaaaay more important than things, treasure family above all else here on this earth - you are my bride! :) Be yourself, be madly in love, be ready to have fun and I promise to keep it light, gently direct you and capture moments today that will absolutely wow your heart tomorrow!