In agreement

Layden Films

  USA, Tyner, 27980

More about Layden Films

Capture Your Legacy
We believe that God created family so that our children's children would know Him. Appreciating this to its fullest extent, we love to celebrate family! Telling stories, preserving memories, and helping you to pass down values to your grandchildren is one of our greatest pleasures.

Whether it is a daddy giving his daughter away at the altar or a first dance between husband and wife, our passion is to capture these moments so that the emotion may be relived for years to come. It is our hope that in watching your wedding video ten years from now, you not only remember the events of the day, but you also remember how you felt; that your excitement, joy, and the pounding of your heart is brought back to life.
Capture Your Legacy We believe that God created family so that our children's children would know Him. Appreciating this to its fullest extent, we love to celebrate family! Telling stories, preserving memories, and helping you to pass down values to your grandchildren is one of our greatest pleasures. Whether it is a daddy giving his daughter away at the altar or a first dance between husband and wife, our passion is to capture these moments so that the emotion may be relived for years to come. It is our hope that in watching your wedding video ten years from now, you not only remember the events of the day, but you also remember how you felt; that your excitement, joy, and the pounding of your heart is brought back to life.