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Our Westward Hearts
USA, Matthews, 28105
2013 Light Brigade Drive
More about Our Westward Hearts
Films driven by a spirit of adventure and a passion for storytelling. Based out of Charlotte, NC, available worldwide.
Our Westward Hearts is an expression of my vision of life and marriage. I am inspired by the American West. There's so much more to it than the mind-blowingly epic landscapes and awe-inspiring beauty. It's a story. It's an idea. It tells a story of adventure, hope, optimism, determination, grit and wildness. For generations, it's been an idea of endless possibility that has captured the hearts and imaginations of people stepping out into the unknown looking to forge their own future.
I think this beautifully describes you as you begin your marriage, your greatest adventure, and all of us as we pursue a bold life holding nothing back. I want my work to carry that same spirit of adventure, possibility, grit and beauty, wherever it's filmed. Where ever "the west" is to you, let's go there.
Our Westward Hearts is an expression of my vision of life and marriage. I am inspired by the American West. There's so much more to it than the mind-blowingly epic landscapes and awe-inspiring beauty. It's a story. It's an idea. It tells a story of adventure, hope, optimism, determination, grit and wildness. For generations, it's been an idea of endless possibility that has captured the hearts and imaginations of people stepping out into the unknown looking to forge their own future.
I think this beautifully describes you as you begin your marriage, your greatest adventure, and all of us as we pursue a bold life holding nothing back. I want my work to carry that same spirit of adventure, possibility, grit and beauty, wherever it's filmed. Where ever "the west" is to you, let's go there.
Films driven by a spirit of adventure and a passion for storytelling. Based out of Charlotte, NC, available worldwide.
Our Westward Hearts is an expression of my vision of life and marriage. I am inspired by the American West. There's so much more to it than the mind-blowingly epic landscapes and awe-inspiring beauty. It's a story. It's an idea. It tells a story of adventure, hope, optimism, determination, grit and wildness. For generations, it's been an idea of endless possibility that has captured the hearts and imaginations of people stepping out into the unknown looking to forge their own future.
I think this beautifully describes you as you begin your marriage, your greatest adventure, and all of us as we pursue a bold life holding nothing back. I want my work to carry that same spirit of adventure, possibility, grit and beauty, wherever it's filmed. Where ever "the west" is to you, let's go there.
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